Our Courses
Bhakti Yog Ashram TrustYoga Master
Yoga Therapist
Assistant Yoga Therapist
Yoga Volunteer
Yoga Teacher and Evaluator
Yoga Wellness Instructor
And many more courses.
If you want to learn more about yoga and naturopathy, you can join our courses.
Certificate in Elementry naturopathy & Yoga (C.E.N.Y.)
Duration– Six-month Course.
Eligibility:- Tenth class or equivalent exception can be made in the case of the personal who have an experience of Nature Cure & Yoga of atleast 10 years and have proficiency in reading and writing Hindi / English.
Certificate in Naturopathy & Yoga Technique (C.N.Y.T) for merely UPCHARAK
Duration– one year course.
Eligibility:- Class XIIth (10+2) or equivalent or C.E.N.Y. Pravesh (examination of the Parishad) Passed.
Duration– Three and Half Years Course including six month’s House Job.
Eligibility:- Senior Secondary (10 + 2) or Intermediate or (C.N.Y.T.) (Formerly Upcharak) or One/Two year Diploma in Naturopathy & Yoga from state or central Govt. recognised Institution or Diploma in Naturopathy from Medical Graduate recognised by Govt. & Registered with the respective medical councils are eligible to enroll himself (M.B.B.S., M.D., B.A.M.S., I / B.U.M.S., B.D.S., B. Pharma, Nursing degree or Recognised degree in sidhe) directly for the DNYS IInd year course thus they can complete the course with in 2½ year duration. There will also be an additional compulsory paper of general science (100 Marks) for eligible candidate of DNYS 1st year examination who have not studied & passed Biology at Intermediate Examination or CNYT.